Sunday School
Parents, Grandparents, God-parents, aunts, uncles and all those truly concerned with the spiritual education of our youth; it is so very, very important to encourage and bring the children to Church on Sundays to participate in the Divine Liturgy and attend Sunday School classes. The Lord says in the Holy Scripture: “My people are perishing for a lack of knowledge;” and our children who are not knowing of the Lord and His Holy Orthodox Church are ‘sinking’ in a sea of materialism and the host of problems that a life devoid of God brings to people. We have wonderful and dedicated teachers, excellent materials and a good program to teach the children about the Lord. Please do not wait for them to get hurt from the world, arm them with the sword of the Lord’s love to protect and keep them in His Love and Grace.
Sunday School classes are held following Holy Communion in the Sunday School rooms on the third floor of the Church and conclude after dismissal following the Divine Liturgy. PLEASE NOTE that Sunday School classes resumed on September 18th.
The new term is an exciting time. Our teachers are working with the children and planning for a very busy year. The annual Saints Party will be held, GOD’s willing on Saturday, October 29th beginning at 11:30 AM and all the children are invited to attend. There will be lots of food, teachings and games for everyone to enjoy.
SUMMER CHURCH DAY CAMP was very successful and all the children who attended greatly enjoyed the experience.
REMEMBER PARENTS, GOD-PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, AUNTS, UNCLES and all those concerned with the Orthodox Christian Eduation of the children-it is the sacred duty and reponsibility of each of us to educate our children to know the Lord and His Holy Orthodox Church. GOD BLESS
SUGGESTION: Take the time to speak to your children about JESUS and how your own life has been made better through Him and your relation to Him and His Holy Orthodox Church.